Our Ministry
Tribal Church Planting
As church planters, our desire is to establish a mature church among an unreached people group in Papua New Guinea. This mature church would ideally consist of a body of believers with functioning leadership that is dependent upon God’s Word, has a strong identity with Christ, is living in unity as believers, and is continuing to disciple while reaching other groups with the Gospel.
Unreached people groups
Unreached people groups lack a presence of a genuine body of believers. There are no believers focused on sharing the Gospel among them and they often do not have a translation of Scripture in their language.
Papua New Guinea has over 800 distinct languages and is the most linguistically diverse country in the world. Because of this diversity, there are still many people who haven’t had a chance to hear and understand the Gospel message of Jesus Christ.
Our Plan
Our church planting strategy revolves around carefully accomplishing these five objectives:
1. Learn their language and culture
Ours and our coworkers’ families will move into the tribe and begin carefully learning their language and culture. We will spend considerable time in the beginning learning language and culture because we want to understand, not just how these people communicate, but how they think, as well.
2. Teach them to read and write
Many of the languages in Papua New Guinea are unwritten. In the process of learning their language, we will develop an alphabet and teach them to read and write their own language so that one day they will be able to read God’s story for themselves!
3. Teach through God’s Word
Chronologically teach the Bible all the way from Genesis to Revelation, bringing out key characteristics of God, Man, Satan, Jesus, Creation, Purpose, and Destiny. As God’s Word regarding true reality replaces the lies they have believed for generations, their lives will begin reflecting God’s design and will to His glory.
4. Translate the Bible into their language.
Carefully translate the Bible into the people group’s heart language so that they can have the Scriptures for generations to come.
5. Disciple and train them in outreach.
The ministry doesn’t stop at providing resources and telling them God’s story. In order to see them grow to maturity, we will take the time to disciple and train up leadership who will guide the church after our team has left. Ultimately, our desire is to work ourselves out of a job and send believers off to continue sharing God’s story, filling the earth with the knowledge of Him!
This ministry is completely funded by our partnership team.
We are sent out to serve through the gracious donations of people like you! You can find out more on how to support this ministry here: