Welcome Sienna, Our Pandemic Baby!
Kelsey and baby Sienna
In the early morning of June 23rd, Kelsey went into labor with our baby girl. We barely made it the hour and a half drive to the hospital before she was born! Kelsey was already at ten centimeters when we got there and it seemed like just moments later we were holding our sweet Sienna. We can't wait for our friends and family to meet her!
Sienna Blake Brendle, born June 23rd at 8:31 am. She weighed 8 lbs 2.9 oz and was 19 inches long. We are so thankful for our little pandemic baby!
Nathan and Simeon and COVID-19
On our way home we found out that Simeon had been exposed to COVID-19 while we were in the hospital. Because Sienna as a newborn is high risk, we decided to quarantine from each other to keep her safe. Kelsey stayed in the baby's room with Sienna and I took care of Simeon. Kelsey’s test came back negative while Simeon and I tested positive.
Luckily for us, we did not experience extreme symptoms. Simeon had a fever and was pretty fussy and I lost my taste and smell, but we were able to recover quickly. The hardest part was being separated from each other as a family and Kelsey taking on all the newborn baby duties while trying to recover herself. But the Lord was so gracious during this time and several friends and family brought over food for us. Some ladies from church even brought Kelsey a mini-fridge and microwave to keep in the bedroom so she wouldn't be exposed by going to the kitchen. She was literally in the room nearly 24/7 for almost 3 weeks!
During our isolation, God led me to meditate on the Sermon on the Mount. Jesus says things like, “think about the birds and flowers; God provides for them” and “God sends His sun and rain on the evil and on the good.” Reflecting on Jesus's teachings challenged me to really see God as the abundant supplier of all things even in the hard times. I was even given the opportunity to preach over these truths this past Sunday via Zoom with our church in Wisconsin called Milwaukee Lakeside! I love that COVID has enabled us to join in with believers across the country to share in the joys of God's Word.
We are so thankful for the community that surrounded us during this time! God abundantly supplied our daily needs through the generosity of others. Kelsey and Sienna are the last to be released from quarantine (on Monday) and we are looking forward to some other version of normalcy!
The boys lounging and recovering
PNG ministry update
We were able to set up an online interview with the field leadership of PNG and afterwards received a formal invitation to come join the ministry team in Papua New Guinea!
Being accepted to the field was the next big step for us as new missionaries with Ethnos360. This means we can begin the process of sending in paperwork to move overseas by July 2021. The field can now prepare for our arrival while we continue to raise our ministry partnership team. Currently we are 40% financially supported!
In the midst of the chaos, God has been faithful to supply for us what we need for each day. We are so thankful for Him and for the team He has made to join us in reaching the lost in Papua New Guinea.
Our official invitation from the field of PNG!